Extension Executive Producer
Former Head of Department - Media Productions
Professor Emeritus
New Mexico State University - NMSU
During more than 40 years as an instructional designer and educational media developer, I helped build educational programs for diverse audiences, particularly in food safety, across ages, borders and cultures. I focused my work on understanding how to analyze an audience's needs, learning style and delivery environment and made it a priority to develop a team of experts in video, animation, games and Web applications to fuel the development of award-winning, innovative educational media – including learning games, touchscreen kiosks, websites, videos and print publications, including materials in six different languages (Spanish, Navajo, Mandarin, Cantonese, Fijian and English).
I built a nationally recognized production studio for creative videos, multimedia, distance outreach and educational game production and was executive producer for more than 700 educational videos and 100 multimedia projects, including supporting a team of noted learning game developers.
I received the USDA Diversity Award and ACE Harmony Award for my programs for non-English speaking audiences, and the ACE Professional award for my long-term work as communicator in Agriculture, Natural Resources, Life and Human Sciences. I have played key roles on teams that have generated more than $30 million for NMSU through grants and contracts and am active in international work, most recently in the Middle East and China. My documentaries have been featured at the Smithsonian Institution and carried on PBS stations in the USA, the Australian Broadcasting Company and the Israeli Discovery Channel. My interactive media productions are being used internationally and by numerous federal agencies, universities and school systems.
My most recent multimedia projects showcased novel technologies for food safety, water sampling and testing, and food science laboratory techniques. These interactive modules and animated videos are used extensively in industry and by educational institutions. I also completed a large project on exergames (games that encourage physical activity), enabling online sharing of research, best practices, practical recommendations, and evaluation strategies for schools and other practitioners. Mobile apps created by my team support financial literacy, child development, 4-H, STEM learning for youth, and natural resources management.
Jeanne Gleason
Innovative Media Research & Extension, MSC 3A1
P.O. Box 30003
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
Email: jgleason@nmsu.edu